- The name of this organization shall be the Northwest Wisconsin Building Inspectors Association.
- Area to include the following Counties: Ashland, Bayfiield, Barron, Buffalo, Burnett, Chippewa, Clark, Douglas, Dunn, Eau Claire, Iron, Jackson, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, St. Croix, Taylor, Trempealeau and Washburn.
- To promote higher professional and ethical standards in the field of building inspection.
- To establish and maintain a good working relationship with the building industry.
- To promote the uniformity of Building Codes.
- To periodically review the introduction of new materials, methods of construction, devices and equipment and recommend Code changes to affect the use of such materials and methods when in the best interest of the public.
- To promote uniform administration, interpretation and enforcement of building codes and support the concept of uniform codes.
- To hold periodic educational and training meetings.
Section 1.
- Voting Member: A voting member shall be a duly authorized building inspector or building official so designated by the governmental unit they so serve, or they hold a current certification in at least one of the State of Wisconsin certifiable construction classifications, having paid into the Association the annual membership dues as prescribed under Article VII of the Association By-Laws.
- Associate Member: An associate member is any person involved in the design, construction or maintenance of buildings who is not certified in any classifications, having paid into the Association the annual membership dues as prescribed under Article VII of the Association By-Laws. An associate member shall have the same rights and privileges of the voting member except voting or holding office.
- Honorary Member: An honorary member shall be a member who has been a member for 5 years, and who has reached the minimum of fifty-five (55) years of age, and who has retired from the active duties as a duly authorized building inspector or building official, and with the approval of the Executive Committee. An honorary member shall have the same privileges as a voting member.
- Member in good standing: Any member that has attended three (3) regular meetings, in person or virtual, in the past 12 months and is currently on dues. Regular meetings do not include annual summer outings or code updates.
Section 2.
a. Voting: Each voting member present at regularly scheduled, or special meetings of the Association, shall be entitled to cast one vote on all issues coming before the meeting and in the election of officers at the annual meeting.
b. Quorum: A quorum for a meeting of the Association shall consist of five (5) voting members in good standing, but a lesser number may meet and adjourn a meeting to a specified time.
Section 1.
Personnel: The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers, together with any officers designated in these By-Laws, shall constitute the Executive Board. All offices shall be filled by the members authorized to vote at the time of the Association’s annual meeting. The term of the officers shall be two (2) years, and no such officer shall serve in their elected office for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Such limitation of terms shall not apply to the Office of Secretary and Treasurer who may serve consecutively at the will of the membership.
Section 2.
Nominations: A nomination for each elective office shall be made by a nominating committee appointed by the President. Nominations may be made from the floor at the business session of the annual meeting.
Section 3.
Duties: The officers of the Association shall exercise those functions normally assigned to such officers.
- The President: Shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee. The President shall be authorized to appoint special committees with the approval of a majority of the other officers. The president may call meetings of the Executive Board. The president shall chair all meetings and set the agenda, date and location of those meetings.
- Vice President: Shall chair the scholarship committee and the inspector of the year nomination committee. They will also take the meeting minutes in the absence of the secretary and chair the meeting in the absence of the president.
- Treasurer: Shall handle all financial affairs of the association. They shall prepare a report for each general meeting showing all income, expenditures for the calendar year and the current bank balance.
- Secretary: Shall take the meeting minutes and handle the correspondence for the association and keep a record of all association business.
Section 4.
Vacancies: Vacancy of any office shall be filled by the Executive Board immediately upon such vacancy.
Section 5.
Compensation: All members of the Executive Board shall receive a salary in the amount of $599.00 per year.
- All committees shall be appointed by the President to serve until the next annual election, and each committee shall have a chairman appointed by the president.
- The committees and their duties shall be as herein designated.
Executive Committee: (All officers and committee chairmen).
- Direct the Association as needed and as outlined within the By-Laws.
- Perform tasks as requested by the President.
Membership & Hospitality Committee: ( two (2) members)
- Solicit new members by email and personal contact.
- Invite prospective members to meetings.
- Prepare a brochure on the advantages of membership.
- Determine activities associated with Annual Business Meetings.
- Coordinate hospitality at chapter sponsored events.
Legislative & Code Development Committee: ( three (3) members)
- Chairman to the Association’s representative to the Dwelling Code Council.
- Keep informed on Federal, State, County, and Local code/law changes.
- Study By-Laws and recommend changes where needed.
- Review, study, and report on new materials and methods of construction.
- Attend code hearings and present statements on behalf of the Association.
- Represent the Association at regional ICC activities.
Educational and Program Committee: (three (3) members)
- Assemble information on the State Convention.
- Arrange for speakers at Association meetings, seminars and training sessions.
- Arrange Association meeting places.
Inspector Of The Year Nomination Committee: (five (5) members)
- The inspector of the year nomination committee shall be chaired by the Vice President.
- The Chair shall vote only in the event of a tie.
- Voting members shall be the past five (5)members that have won the award.
- Nominations from the Committee shall be presented to the membership for a majority vote at the December meeting.
- Nominations shall be submitted by the membership from the floor at the October meeting or via e-mail to the chair to the committee for their consideration. Final nominations shall be selected by the committee as they see fit by majority vote of the committee. The membership shall vote for the award recipient at the Association December meeting.
- Criteria for consideration- Professionalism in the field of code enforcement, active membership and participation, attendance and contribution to the Association, contribution to their community in the field of code enforcement, participation on a local, State or National level in code development. These criteria are for the consideration of the committee and should not be considered all-inclusive or exclusive.
- In the event of a tie, the name will be drawn by the Vice President Chair.
Scholarship Committee:
- Chairman to be Association’s Vice President.
- Act as Liaison between recipient schools and the Association.
- Make recommendations to the Association for new donation opportunities.
Sunshine Committee:
- Chairman to be Association Treasurer.
- The Association shall give an Association member’s family approximately $100.00 dollars in the form of cash or flowers. The gift can also be directed to a place of the family’s request or at the discretion of the Association.
Publicity & History Committee:
- Chairman to be Association Vice President.
- Maintain the Association’s website.
- Promote the Association and release news as necessary.
Builders Association Representative:
- The Association shall nominate members in good standing to represent the NWBIA association at local Builders Association meetings. The Builders Associations include, but not limited to:
- Heart of the North- Bill Koepp
- St. Croix County- Brian Wert
- Chippewa Valley- Fred Dahlke
- Northland-
Section 1.
Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held in (July, December) or as soon thereafter as practical, and as such as the Executive Board shall determine.
Special Meeting. The Executive Board may call a special meeting of the membership, as needed, with prior notice of at least seven (7) days to the membership.
Section 2.
General Meetings: General meetings shall be held at intervals as determined by the Executive Board, with prior notice of at least seven (7) days to the membership.
Section 3.
Procedure at Meetings: Unless otherwise provided for, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the Association.
Annual dues shall be $25.00 dollars per year for each voting member and $10.00 dollars per year for associate members. No dues are required for an honorary member.
Annual dues are due by the last day of March in each year.
Adopted: 03/22/78
Amended: 06/05/84
Amended: 08/21/90
Amended: 12/04/01
Amended: 04/03/08
Amended: 02/09/09
Amended: 03/26/09
Amended: 05/11/17
Amended: 10/2023